Laser therapy is a technologic innovation that is currently being used across a number of healthcare fields including optometry, dermatology, pain management, and of course dental. Diode laser is one of the more commonly used types of laser used in the dental field.
Laser is used in conjunction with scaling and root planning (deep cleaning) with an aim to eliminate bacteria. However, it can be performed with your routine dental hygiene visits as well.
All lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. Diode lasers are useful due to their wavelengths of light being highly absorbed by pigmented tissue and bleeding areas. Under diseased conditions; the gingiva (gums) become red or pigmented and filled with blood. Due to this, laser has the ability to target only diseased tissue.
This procedure helps to eliminate dark pigmented bacteria deep within the periodontal pocket. It encourages the regeneration and reattachment of gum tissue that were affected by helping to produce new healthy gum tissue cells. LBR also cauterizes the gum tissue reducing redness and bleeding gums.
There are a number of benefits of performing these procedures using laser therapy. These include:
Damage to the surrounding tissue is minimal. Some procedures may not require anesthetic.
Bleeding is cauterized and minimized as the laser encourages blood clotting to take place.
Wounds heal faster and tissue can be regenerated quickly. The risk of bacterial infection is also minimized as the laser helps to sterilize the area while its being worked on.
Laser dental treatments are particularly popular among anxious or nervous patients. This is because it is less invasive than more traditional methods, and depending on what treatment you are having, much quieter and subtler.
Although dental laser therapy is generally painless, our dentist or hygienist may use localized anesthesia to make sure you feel relaxed throughout your treatment. The dental laser is designed for precision treatment, so you’ll also have less discomfort during recovery time.
If you would like to consider having a dental procedure performed using laser therapy, speak to your dentist or dental hygienist who will be happy to advise you further.